









TRT World Forum is a premier gathering that brings together global leaders in Istanbul, Türkiye. The event is an opportunity for academics, journalists, politicians and members of civil society to grapple with the challenges of our time and contribute to advancing peace, security and prosperity throughout the world. After the success of our first editions, TRT World Forum has managed to set a high threshold for international conferences that define priorities and influence global and regional agendas.

Our Vision

TRT World Forum aspires to be an enduring platform for the promotion of global peace, security and prosperity. We believe that the only solution to the problems of 21st-century world is collective action. As such, we dream to be a catalyser in achieving the aforementioned goals by providing the world a platform for collective action.
We seek to become a platform for discussion where all voices, including those of the oppressed and the silenced, will have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the decision making process. We look forward to continue being a platform for devising solutions to the most pressing issues facing today’s world.

Our Mission

TRT World Forum is a unique global platform, which places people at the centre of the story, brings the unspoken issues to the forefront of the international agenda, and focuses on the responsibility of the media in an ever-changing world.
We bring together leading policy-makers, academics, journalists and experts to discuss and provide diagnoses and prognoses about the most pressing issues of our time. In a wider perspective, our audience is the every individual who aspire to see a peaceful and prosperous world. In particular, we want policy-makers to put the human being at the centre of their policymaking.


TRT World Forum is governed by a Board of Trustees, an Advisory Board and an Executive Board. The Board of Trustees provides overarching guidance while the Advisory Board provides strategies and guidance to the Executive Board. The Executive Board serves as an executive instance that implements the required strategies and plans.
The knowledge, expertise and passion of our board members with their background in various fields makes the Forum a successful event, inspiring change towards global peace, security and prosperity.