Closing Speech: Inspiring Change in an Age of Uncertainty

His Excellency President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan participated as the guest of honour in the TRT World Forum 2017 to give the keynote speech at the Forum under the moderation of Fatih Er, Director of News and Programmes at TRT World. President Erdoğan’s remarks spanned from the failure of the current global order in sustaining the international peace to the humanitarian crisis around the world. Attitudes and actions of some of the European countries, namely Germany and France, and the United States vis-à-vis the FETÖ and PKK were also criticised by President Erdoğan. The war in Syria and the refugee crisis were discussed and crucial explanations and suggestions were laid out. ‘Western understanding of democracy is under serious crisis,’ President Erdoğan said when asked about the double standards of the West concerning the MENA region.